You'll need:
a splash of milk
two eggs
oil (for the pan)
whatever you want inside your omelet (I put in ham, chicken, and cheese)
a whisk
First, get any kind of bowl (I just used an everyday bowl) and crack your eggs and whisk your eggs in the bowl.
Then, just pour a splash of milk (I don't use an exact measurement) into the bowl.
I put the stove onto the eight mark to cook the omelet...
and I pour enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan. (again, not and exact measurement)
And just pour the egg and milk mixture in to the pan! :)
This part is kind of hard to explain, but I'm going to try... Once the edges are cooked, you take the spatula and push one side of the cooked edges toward the middle. (don't push it very much) Then, let some egg that hasn't cooked yet run into the empty space you made by pushing the edge in. I usually do that to one or two of the sides.
Once one side is cooked, flip it over. Then, put everything you are going to put in your omelet on. (I usually put a few shakes of salt on here now)
After that side is cooked, fold the omelet over.
That's all! After that, you just put it on a plate and enjoy! (That is not coffee in the mug, I put pink lemonade in it because I thought it looked cute.)
Anyway, I hope you guys liked my omelet tutorial! If you make this I hope you like it! If it tastes a little plain right now, you can put a couple shakes of salt. See you soon!! Bye!!